How to find me:

Haber’s Pharmacy has two entrances. The Melrose entrance to the right of Amcare Sports Medicine Braces and Supplies will take you right to my room. There are chairs in the hallway if you’d like to sit to wait for your appointment.

If you enter through the main entrance on Avenue Rd., tell one of the pharmacists that you’re here to see Drew for physiotherapy and they will let me know you’re here.


There are parking spots available in front of Haber’s on Melrose Ave. If those are full, the No Frills across the street has plenty of parking available.

Mask Policy:

Although Ontario has lifted its mandatory masking policy, I will ask that you continue to require to wear a mask during our appointments at this time. This helps to protect my case load and my livelihood as I work with various ages and populations.

Contact me:

If you have any issues finding me or are having difficulty booking online, don’t hesitate to contact me at or (902) 432-0460.


Physiotherapy incorporates hands-on, movement and clinical assessments to determine the cause of pain, injury and sub-optimal performance. Treatments may incorporate soft tissue work, joint mobilization, tailored movement techniques and exercise prescription to restore optimal function and improve performance.

Drew’s passion for physiotherapy dates back to his years as a teenage athlete. Having sustained several shoulder dislocations playing hockey, he is no stranger to the rehabilitation journey. His personal experience with injury led to many hours spent in physiotherapy clinics where he developed a passion and appreciation for physiotherapy as it continues to keep him active and playing the sport he loves.

From the first time you walk through the door, Drew’s goal is to teach you the tools to understand and manage your pain so you can get back to whatever it is that keeps you moving. He has worked with a wide range of patients; from grandparents looking to get back to chasing their grandkids to gym goers aiming to crush their personal records.

In his day to day practice, Drew takes a global approach to assess and treat movement dysfunctions. This means he focuses on faulty patterns in your movement to find and address the source of the problem rather than chasing pain. A typical session with Drew includes movement and muscle testing, manual therapy, and sharing plenty of at-home exercises that will aid your progress.

A lifelong learner, Drew is constantly in pursuit of new courses, striving to learn different ways to help his patients each day. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Prince Edward Island and a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Toronto.

When he’s not in the clinic, you can often find Drew at a hockey rink coaching or playing, at a live show supporting his favorite bands, or training for his next half marathon!

Continuing Education:

Advanced Orthopedic Manual and Manipulative Therapy Level 1

Neurokinetic Therapy Level 2 Certified

R2P Management of Acute Concussion

R2P Management of Persistent Concussion Syndrome

Selective Functional Movement Assessment Level 1

Soft Tissue Release Level 1

Special Interests: hockey players, runners, musicians

Drew’s passion for physiotherapy dates back to his years as a teenage athlete. Having sustained s... Read More

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Located at: 1783 Avenue Rd, Toronto
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